

The night rating allows you to fly at night under visual flight rules.
This rating does not require a flight test or written examination, but  a successful flight evaluation by an instructor is required.
Prerequisite: Private Pilot License
Flight time: A minimum of 10 hours, 5 of which are dual. 5 hours solo with 10 takeoffs and landings. 10 hours instrument.
Typical cost: Based on 5 hours dual, 5 hours solo, 10 briefing hours – $ 3,000 (taxes, estimate only)

VFR Over the Top

A VFR OTT rating allows a pilot to overfly a broken or overcast layer of cloud while VFR.
This rating does not require a flight test or written examination, but a successful flight evaluation by an instructor is required.
Prerequisite: Private pilot license
Flight time: A minimum of 15 hours dual, (instrument time from the Private pilot license and night rating may be credited towards this)
Typical cost: based on 10 hours dual and 10 briefing hours – $ 3,500 (estimate only)

Instrument Rating (Group 3 – Single Engine)

The instrument rating allows you to fly with primary reference to the instruments.
This rating is divided into groups, with group 3 being single-engine aeroplanes, group 1 being multi-engine aeroplanes.
Prerequisite: Private pilot license and 50 hours PIC cross country
Flight time: 40 hours instrument (instrument time from previous licenses/ratings may be credited towards this), 100-nm cross country
Written exam: Successfully pass the instrument rating written examination
Flight test: Successfully pass the instrument rating flight test with a designed pilot examiner
Typical cost: based on 20 hours instrument, 20 briefing hours – $ 7,500 (supplies, fees, estimate only).
Multi-IFR (Group 1) Coming Soon!

Instructor Rating

The instructor rating allows you to teach aspiring pilots to acquire a license or rating.
A Class 4 instructor rating is required to be supervised by a Class 1 or 2 flight instructor, until they attain the requisite experience.
Prerequisite: Commercial pilot’s license
Age: 18
Medical: Class 1 through a Civil Aviation Medical Examiner
Flight time: A minimum of 30 hours dual, with 5 hours instrument
Ground School: 25 hours with a Class 1 Flight Instructor
Written exam: Successfully pass the instructor rating written examination
Flight test: Successfully pass the instructor rating flight test with a designed pilot examiner
Typical cost: based on 30 hours dual, 10 hours solo and 60 briefing hours – $ 14,500 (fees, estimate only)
Accelerated Instructor Rating now available!
3 weeks – 30 hours dual, 25 hours ground school, written exam and flight test. Contact Josh for more details.

Seaplane Rating (Now Available!)

This rating allows you to operate an aeroplane from the thousands of lakes Canada has to offer. Discover the joy of a picnic on that quiet beach you haven’t explored.
There is no ground school, TC written examination or flight test required with this rating. But a qualifying flight under the supervision of a flight instructor is required.
Flight Time: A minimum of 5 hours dual instruction, and a minimum of 5 takeoffs and landings as solo occupant of the aeroplane.
Typical cost: Based on 6 hours dual, 1 hour solo – Pricing coming soon!

Multi-Engine Rating (Coming soon!)

Our online ground school is now available! Get started now...